Meet My Friend Chad.

A little while back, I was surfing through Facebook and I noticed that a friend had just published his first book.  Being one of my goals, I was excited instantly and I had to find out more.

I sent him a message to ask about it, and wouldn’t you know it, it sounded almost identical to the reason I started this blog.  I was on Amazon within minutes and I’m pretty sure I was the first one EVER to buy his book.  I’m going to say I am, cause you can’t prove that I’m not. 

A few days later, “Notes to My Son: Parts 1-10” by Chad Carlson was in my hands.  I couldn’t wait to read it.  I love the lessons that he so thoughtfully captured.  Lessons that will help guide his son (and all who read it) through the journey of this life. 

Continue reading “Meet My Friend Chad.”

Smoking Ribs on the Traeger

Clearly I gave our baby a bath before the picture, but I think a well-loved grill should be dirty!

We made plans to have some wonderful people over for dinner on a Friday night.  Their favorite meal; ribs.  Smoked ribs on the Traeger!  It’s one of my favorites, too.  I start making plans to buy ribs, prepare the rub and let The Man do his thing.  Only when I realized that Friday was a day that The Man actually works and that I would have to be doing it all myself, did I wonder why I hadn’t planned it for Saturday.    But I didn’t, so I guess I had to learn how to smoke ribs on the Traeger.  It’s a good thing I am in the mood to learn how to adult.

Step one- Ask The Man to write down exactly how to do it.  I mean, exactly.

Step two- Tell myself that I am a grown-ass human that will indeed be able to figure it out.  And if not, we can order pizza.

Continue reading “Smoking Ribs on the Traeger”