Insurance Basics

I’m going to start this session with something that’s important to me.  Keeping me and my family protected.  Keeping you and your family protected, that’s where you come in.

First day in our new home in Arizona.

Full disclosure, my husband owns an insurance agency.  You are not obligated to be a customer of my husbands, or his Company at all, this is purely for your information.  That being said, he’s really nice and won’t turn you away if you insist.

I want to educate, because about 6 months ago, even though we had insurance on our cars and home and life, I knew nothing about it.  Every time the subject was brought up, my eyes would glaze over and all those English words that I knew separately, made no sense to me in the order that they appeared.

Things have changed.  I now am beginning to understand the need for it and what it actually means.  Every state and province (Hi to my family in Canada) will have things that are different about some of their laws and rules.  These are just my basic understanding of insurance, please speak with a trusted professional for more information.

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